The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.


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Valentine’s day tends to bring about a whole slew of emotions from people.  In the past I have often found it easy to be cynical about Valentine’s day and enjoyed cracking jokes and making snide comments about the infamous Hallmark holiday.  However as hard as it can be to grin and bear it on a day where happy couples tend to shove their PDA and “oh my God we’re SO in love” comments down your throat, I find it is actually more difficult to be negative about Valentine’s day and you’ll end up feeling better if you just suck it up and rise to the occasion and get what you want out of the day.

With so much “love” going around it’s actually harder to ignore it and try to combat it.

Cupcake for velvet, of course!

So this year I’m trying NOT to be a “hater” -if you will- and embrace it all.  Instead of heading home this morning I came downtown to my favorite coffee shop where I got a to-die-for cupcake at 10 am. This morning, the small business windows are randomly decorated with ugly big red hearts that someone ran around scotch-taping.  The thought makes me smile.  The little boy in the coffee shop grinned, like only 4-year-old boys know how to do, and wished the cashier a “happy valentines day.”  It’s not frigid outside. It’s the little things.

Magnum Photos, in my opinion, offers the greatest collection of exceptional photographs.  Today they have a special Valentine’s Day slideshow that is helping me to appreciate this day that much more.

Photo from the slideshow. Bruce Davidson is one of my all time favorite photographers.

But if treats, happy little boys and pretty photographs don’t do it for you, read today’s Betches Love this Site post.  It NEVER fails to make me laugh or get my head on straight again!

“So betches, in celebration of Hallmark’s ability to get people to buy you presents for essentially no reason, milk this shit for what it’s worth and enjoy.”

Written by mleiter

February 14, 2012 at 4:42 pm

Posted in photography

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