The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

The Michael Kors Project

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If you are looking at this screenshot and thinking, “Oh! Want. NEED.” You are having the same instant reactions I was having a few weeks ago when I received a what-to-buy-your-valentine emailer from Apple. I had just gotten paid and felt like treating myself to a Valentine’s Day present.  The thought, “You need to be saving for your April California vacation” wasn’t really present, as my financially irresponsible spending habits go.

It was at this moment that the Michael Kors Project, a little initiative I started in order to bring about a bought of sobriety and slow my carbohydrate intake, started.

As I was perusing the different potential colors of this Michael Kors clutch I would soon be rocking, I recalled a tip I read in an old copy of Shape magazine that morning at the gym.  The article suggested choosing something to reward yourself with after making consecutive healthy life choices as a way of staying motivated.  Feeling bored at work and intrigued by this new health mission, I started brainstorming.  As I’m big on indulgences, especially when it comes to food, I wondered what I could/should try to go without.

It took about 30 seconds for the idea to come to me.  As I was mingling around the POS system at work with my coworkers waiting for what few midweek diners we would get in the brutally slow February evenings, I looked around and saw our bread service station.  An inviting, heaping basket of baguettes.  I touch on the horrendous relationship I’ve developed with the bread at work in a previous post. More or less what happens just about every night at the end of work, when I haven’t eaten in hours, is I start snacking on baguettes embellished with butter and/or other easily accessible condiments. Clearly not the best snack to eat in mass quantity at 10 pm.

What started February 8th as three nights without snacking on bread or having any wine, has turned into a modified month-long mission of no bread at work until March 8th.  The goal obviously being the above absolutelycannotlivewithout Michael Kors clutch, but also in hopes that I will break my bread addiction and gain a little bit more self control.  Having something so fascinatingly adorable is actually making it quite a bit easier to just say no!

In other exciting news, this morning I set out to write 1,000 words.  Instead I wrote a little over 1,600 while writing two blog posts, finishing a profile piece, grocery shopping, working out, putting away laundry and having a fabulous lunch with my grandparents.  I think rewarding myself with a pre-Jackie’s-birthday-dinner glass of wine is in order!  I’m really starting to enjoy this new rewards program I got going on. 🙂

Written by mleiter

February 20, 2012 at 10:39 pm

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