The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

100 posts!

with 3 comments

I have written 100 blog posts for the Leiter Side of Life!

(In my head this is where one of those cheesy Hooray! calls goes off and confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling.)

Moment to pause.  Both for concern of actually thinking out the above statement and to soak in the feelings of success.

I started writing my blog back in February on a weekend getaway to Higgins Beach.  I had decided to leave my job as assistant manager and work towards something that was more “me.”  Something that would bring me more happiness and sense of accomplishment.  Obviously I’m still on that quest and I know it’s not going to happen over night.

My blog has been an outlet to channel my struggles and the lighter moments along the way.  I have almost 2,600 visits to my blog, 2,594, to be exact, and while most are family and friends I’m still so grateful for their support and that others have gotten to see, and hopefully relate a little, to my quarter-life crisis.

When I look back and see how far I’ve really come in the past four months it feels good.  Though most days present a lot more challenge then days previous, I feel like I’m working towards something for the first time.  The little successes along the way, like getting my surfing story published, have more prolific feelings of success then I’ve had previous in my life.

This blog has really help me get more in tune with myself in many ways, seriously and light-heartedly, at times.

Every time you post on WordPress, a little quote of encouragement comes up.  Along the way I took screen shots of some of my favorites.  Enjoy!

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3 Responses

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  1. Leiter- if this is a midlife crisis you won’t see 50 – That would be a shame for all of us who care about you! 100 posts- keep on truckin’ !


    June 14, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    • Ooops! TYPO! Still working on improving those proofreading skills 🙂 We’re talking QUARTER-life crisis here. haha


      June 14, 2012 at 5:02 pm

  2. Mel – congratulations!! I just happened to read Coco Ginger’s last two blogs and thought you might also enjoy them re some of your themes. (I liked her picture – reminded me of you). LWL


    June 16, 2012 at 12:59 am

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