The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

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I woke up this morning to a breaking news alert on my phone from the NYTimes that all Boston residents were on a “lockdown.” As I got on my computer to investigate further as to what had happened now, I called my sister who lives very close to the Cambridge/Watertown line.

Relieved to hear her voice I asked her what the hell was going on. Upon hearing that everything was going down with in blocks of her apartment my anxiety levels started to grow. My sister is fine. But I have never wanted to hug her, hold her and just be with her more.

My sister and I don’t always see eye to eye, in fact, we rarely ever do, but the idea of her being so close to danger is legitimately gut wrenching. I know she’ll be fine and I know that this awful, awful, awful human being will be brought to justice. I believe that because I believe that there is more love and more good in this world than there is hatred and evil.

I know that she will be okay, but what I hope I can remember, is how strong the love I have for her truly is and to continue to embrace that and embody that in our every day conversations and interactions.

My heart is with all of you in Boston.

Written by mleiter

April 19, 2013 at 9:05 pm

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