The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘A Wasteland Companion

New Music Monday: M. Ward

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The first time I heard M. Ward I was instantly drawn to his unique sound.  I went through a phase where I frequently played his solo tunes as well as his music from  She and Him, in which he acts as the “him” of the duo.

M. Ward’s newest album, “A Wasteland Companion,” caught me totally off guard and has pleasantly brought him back in to my life.

“Sweetheart,” features the “she” of She and Him, Zooey Dechanel.  While she is probably more well known for her acting carrer and her films such as “500 Days of Summer,” “Elf” and my all time fav, “Almost Famous,” to name a few, her voice is incredible.  She has a simplicity and unique style that comes off in all that she does.  I love how untouched by Hollywood she seems to be.

Before I had to be in a certina kind of mood to listen to M. Ward.  Some of his older tunes are a lot slower and a little depressing at times.  “Sweetheart” is the perfect mix of his silky smooth voice and an up beat tempo.  The 50’s driving beat fits perfectly with the lyrics that depict an “old-fashion” at-the-hop kind of love.

The song is absolutely adorable and I can’t help but smile and tap my foot when it comes on!

Written by mleiter

May 21, 2012 at 10:10 pm