The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘black keys

My start at PR

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playlist of the day

I can’t sit still!  Too much caffeine and a thrilling morning of trying to find a last-minute ticket for the Black Keys show tonight for one of my best friends, Amber, has me fired up and unable to focus on anything but the show tonight.  Headed with my brother, his best friend and Amber should make for a motley midcoast crew.  Perfect for the driving rock that the Black Keys provide.

Deep breaths.

Today before rocking out to one of my all time favorite bands, I do have some work to do.  I’m embarking on an endeavor to start doing some freelance public relations work.  First step, writing a proposal.  Absolutely NO idea how to do this.  Luckily, I have some good advisers. Currently accepting any and all tips.

The whole writing/blogging/want for a 9-to-5 job has really got me thinking about launching a career in PR.  In college, my first co-op internship was as a public relations and media communications representative at the Wentworth Institute of Technology.  Though it was not my ideal subject matter, I loved using my organization, time management and communication skills and being able to see my work materialize.

My co-operative education adviser always pushed for me to go into public relations. In fact, I think she actually sabotaged sending out my resume for my first co-op so that my only option ended up being the PR job I took.  Probably not.  But, point being, she was a huge advocate for my career in PR.  If only I hadn’t bee so stubborn and hard pressed on becoming a world-changing journalist.

Anyway, I learned the hard way, decided that newspapers were not the way to go for me, and got caught up in the restaurant industry, as the trend tends to go.  Loads of cash quick.  As a young 20-year-old, it’s pretty gratifying.  However, as an almost 25-year-old, I’m starting to realize the long-term bad outweighs the short-term benefits of the biz.

That being said, I think waiting tables and managing has made me an even more prime candidate for public relations.  Honing my ability to pay attention to detail, multitask and tell people what they want to hear.

Since I have these seemingly ideal base qualities to start a career in PR, I now need to learn some basics.  Trial and error approach in effect. Time to write a proposal.

Written by mleiter

March 6, 2012 at 4:23 pm