The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘Bonnaroo

Favorite Foto Friday

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This photo is from last year’s Bonnaroo festival, happening in Manchester, Tennesse this weekend!

This pic always cheers me up.  This is me and two of my friends caught at a pirceless moment (as the guys behind us squirted us with water). I love all the expressions on everyone’s faces!

While the Bonnaroo experiene we had wasn’t as amazing as other experiences I’ve known people to have while attending this festival of massive proportions, I sill look back on the seemingly endless drive and the weekend of good music overload with fondess.  To sum, it was too clostraphoic and dirty for me.

Hope ya’ll are staying cool, hydrated and tuned in down there!

I am most certainly digging Songza’s “Bonnaroo 2012” playlist, lots of good music.  Speaking of Songza, in other news, Songza made moves to the number one spot on the “Top Free iPad Apps” in the music app category.  WELL DESERVED!

Written by mleiter

June 8, 2012 at 3:13 pm

New Music Monday: Mumford & Sons cover White Lies

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Before getting ready to hit the gym and work off the equivilant of the entire pizza I ate for dinner last night in a silly contest I thought I could win, I needed to get some new music.  An hour plus of cardiovascular activity this morning fueled by some bumping new tunes is needed.  I perused the “iTunes recommends” section and got some golden oldies, including John Mellencamp’s “Cherry Bomb” and some new pop hits.  Nothing too worthy of a “New Music Monday” post however.

Then I started searching to see what my YouTube had to offer and the following Mumford and Sons video was suggested for me:

A friend of mine really turned me onto the White Lies this summer and who doesn’t love Mumford and Sons?  I was excited to see the two combined in this driving video. (check the original)

I like the intense poetry behind the White Lies lyrics and always find Mumford and Sons’ escelating rythm to be stimulating.  Ever since Mumford and Sons’ Bonnaroo performance last summer, thousands of fans, including myself, have been eagerly awaiting their new album.

In my search this morning I also stumbled upon these new songs, “Home”, “Ghosts That We Knew”and “Lovers Eyes,” all pulling at my heart and having me even MORE excited for their new album. Marcus Mumford makes me melt, truth!

Written by mleiter

March 5, 2012 at 3:12 pm

New Music Monday: Band of Skulls

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Monday’s writing is off to a slow start as I had to write the Mallett Brothers post twice.  Plus, I needed time to have a mini breakdown cursing technology in between.  Anyway, this jam has got me back in the zone and feeling normal.

I was turned on to the Band of Skulls this summer when I attended the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Nashville, you may have heard of it.  Band of Skulls was the first band I heard play the first night we entered the music venue, check it.  Walking into a realm of overstimulating scenes, I instantly found myself guided through the festival to their heavy rock ‘n’ roll tunes.  A true rock ‘n’ roll girl at heart, I find heavy drums and guitar to be very comforting, a feeling that was much needed when entering the chaos that is Bonnaroo.

I rocked their first CD, Baby Darling Doll Face Honey, to and from work in the Passat all summer. These were pre-living in the West End days when Forrest Avenue was the bane of my existence. I find the track that inspired the title of the album, “Fires”, to be one of the most romantic and inspirational songs in a go-master-the-summer kind of way.

Anyway, I was stoked to see their new single, “Sweet Sour,” as one of the “free on i-Tunes” songs last week.  Every time it has come up on my i-Pod it throws me off guard and blows me away bringing me back to the roots of rock that I love so much.

Written by mleiter

February 27, 2012 at 7:36 pm