The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘CA

Favorite Reading Spots in SF

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One thing I said I would do when I got a 9-to-5 job was read more.  I most certainly do that, however it’s generally only for a little bit before falling asleep.  So I also try to make a point to go enjoy the sunshine and read for an hour or two on the weekends.  Throughout my time here in SF I have found many enjoyable places to do so, so I thought I would share!

The most convenient, thought not necessarily my favorite, is the park by Grace Cathedral.  There’s a little fountain with several benches but also a few grassy areas where late in the afternoon the sun hits just right.

Places to read in SF

Another favorite is Alamo Square.  I generally adore this neighborhood.  It’s unique in so many ways and the people who live there  have a great community vibe going on.  Though on windy days it can be a little chilly up on the hill, it’s a great place to watch the dogs play in the park on the weekend and get some awesome views of downtown SF.

places to read in San Francisco Alamo Square

Two other awesome spots to hang out are Ocean Beach and Golden Gate Park. However, both are pretty far off from me.  Ocean Beach can also be very windy and the weather can be entirely different from the weather in downtown San Francisco therefore making it not so ideal of a “go-to” spot.  As for Golden Gate Park, there are about a million different spots you could pick to enjoy a good book.

places to read in San Francisco Golden Gate Park

My all time FAVORITE place to read in the Bay Area, though impossible to get to without a car, would most definitely be Stinson Beach. Stinson Beach is one of my favorite places anyway. I actually fell in love with this adorable little town when I was first deciding to move to San Francisco a little over a year ago. A huge part of me fantasizes about living in Stinson Beach for several months, never leaving and just reading, writing, surfing and hanging with the locals.  It probably wouldn’t be as perfect as I imagine it to be, but I still really admire this little beach town.

Places to read in the Bay Area Stinson Beach

stinson beach california

Stinson Beach, CA. February, 2013.

Point Reyes/Marshall, CA

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This weekend, for a certain someone’s birthday, we took a trip out of the city and up the coast to a little town called Marshall on Tomales Bay, just past Point Reyes.

Weekend conclusion: I REALLY like California. And champagne. 🙂

We spent the weekend exploring the coast, taking a nice little bike ride/hike around Point Reyes National Park, enjoying the famous local oysters, reading in the sun and by the fire, cooking and enjoying good food.

It’s tough when you have weekends like this past one because it’s hard to find a balance. Okay tough and this weekend shouldn’t be in the same sentence, but it brought up a very good life lesson to try and remember.

I found myself asking is this as good as it gets? Because I mean, it’s pretty damn good. But if you settle for that being as good as it gets you don’t get any better.  So the lesson? Find the balance: enjoying the really good moments as they pass but remain confident that more are to come.  It’s much easier said then done.

Reality was sure tough getting back to today.  Luckily, I got to go on an outdoor photo shoot back over the Golden Gate bridge this morning for one of my clients. It was a nice way to ease back into real life.

Enjoy the photos!

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