The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘Muse

New Music Monday: Muse

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I came across the video for the new Muse single “Madness” the other day:

I can’t decide if I like the video or the song more.  Anyway, I’ve always loved the creepy, progressive edge Muse puts out in their music.  It’s like they’ve combined a bunch of different genres of music to make their own sound of electronic rock.

In “Madness,” I love the guitar towards the end of the song.  It plays nicely with that repetitive warped sound and the rhythm of the song.

(Fun fact, Stephanie Myer, the famous Twilight series writer, listened to a lot of Muse when writing the series. Yes, I read them!)


Written by mleiter

September 17, 2012 at 10:46 pm