The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘new music

Oh, Hello!

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My sister recently recommended this folk band called, The Oh Hello’s. Their album “Through the Deep, Dark Valley,” was released last October.

The folk tunes created by this sibling duo from Texas were made with help from a variety of musicians.  The sound they create is inspirational, beautiful and real.  I like the stories they tell and the music that accompanies them.  One of my favorites for those very reasons is, “Wishing Well.”

This is one of those humbling, life-isn’t-always-easy songs that instantly makes your heart ache bringing the world to a halt. One of those songs that forces you to stop and reflect on where you stand and what has passed. While that may seem sad and depressing, I actually find that during moments like that, I’m also forced to pick my head up and see the other side, see the growth, see the tremendous amount of beauty and good that tends to accompany the dark moments of life. It’s enlightening.

The last time I was forced to feel that deeply from music was when I heard the Lumineers last summer. I can’t but help be reminded of their sound when I hear the track, “Eat You Alive.” No?

Written by mleiter

July 17, 2013 at 8:03 pm

New Track: Tanlines

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I really got into Tanlines a few months back and can’t believe I haven’t featured them yet. I caught on to these guys about the same time they opened for Vampire Weekend in Oakland. So bummed I missed that show. I bet it was one hell of a dance party.

Anyway, they are currently on my Shuffle and make for some pretty awesome running music. Or dancing at my desk because it’s Thursday and almost time to leave music.

This is my favorite…

While the Brooklyn duo has been around for a minute, I feel like I’m hearing more and more of them and seeing their name pop up at more music festivals this summer.

I’m not heavily into electronic music but I think their sound is super unique. The combined rhythm and beats of their songs are really captivating.  Into it.

Written by mleiter

June 7, 2013 at 12:46 am

New Track: Mikal Cronin

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Last weekend I got invited to see Mikal Cronin at Rickshaw Stop on a whim. As I didn’t have any plans and I don’t know that I’ve ever said no to a live music event, I gladly accepted.

Total win. Not only was the Rickshaw Stop a pretty sweet venue I hadn’t been to yet, the drinks were surprisingly cheap for a bar in SF, let alone a music venue. Oh yeah, and the music was awesome.

As I had just started listening to Mikal Cronin’s music a few days before while at work, I was not expecting the show to be as intense as it was. At first listen it comes off a little poppy.  Turns out it’s poppy music people love to get aggressive to.

No honestly, while this song, “Weight,” does sound a little more on the pop side, I think it’s because Cronin is a singer/songwriter whose higher pitched vocals are actually louder than the rapid beat and guitar in the background.  Which makes for a really loud, really fun live show in a smaller venue.

His music kind of reminds me of the Strokes, an all time Melissa Leiter favorite.

The overall vibe I get from Cronin’s music is a very California-I-don’t-care-let’s-go-hang-on-the-Santa-Monica-pier attitude. Don’t ya think? 😉

Written by mleiter

May 30, 2013 at 5:37 am

New Track: Little Hurricane

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I was recently introduced to Little Hurricane, a perfectly awesome “dirty blues” band that actually released their first and only album last May.

While I’m a huge fan of their entire album, “Homewrecker,” the first song I heard and one of my favorites by the San Diego duo is “Haunted Heart.”

They have a simple rock ‘n’ roll meets the blues sound. The bluesey rock ‘n’ roll guitar is a simplistic kind of heavy which meets some raw, impressive vocals singing mysterious lyrics.

My initial thought was that they’d be from down South somewhere like New Orleans.  I was surprised to learn they were from southern CA.  However, while their lyrics and blues sound give off a southern vibe, the guitar and the way the entire album sounds gives off a very California-indie style.

I’ve been jamming on this band for the past week now and am not sick of the album yet.  Two of my other favorites are “Crocodile Tears” and “Tear Bucket.”

Written by mleiter

May 20, 2013 at 9:29 pm

New Track: Big Tree

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I first heard of this awesome little group years ago.  My sister went to school with one of the incredibly talented members of the band.  I liked them back then, but that was when I was more in a heavier rock stage of my life, not that I don’t still love heavy rock.

Anyway, last time I was home my best friend and I somehow ended up in my sister’s car having a serious dance party to this jam…

I don’t know if it’s the timing of where I’m at with my life, the memory from having so much fun with my sister and co. that night, the fact that Big Tree now resides in SF or the humble happiness the music creates, but I absolutely adore this song.

In this song you can individually hear how each musician contributes his/her talents to the song and yet when you listen to them all together it makes for an even more powerful tune.

In so many ways this song reminds me of moving to California. Yet, it doesn’t make me long for the way my life was when I first put my foot on the gas to leave the East coast.  Instead this song acts as a reminder to me that this is the journey. Through the ups and downs life remains so beautiful.

As I’m about to turn 26 I try not to look back. It was a rough year to say the least. I finally feel like I’m at the end of such a dark chapter of my life.

When I came back to San Francisco from Portland last weekend I felt like I was coming home. This is where I’m supposed to be. I have no idea where I’ll be a year from now, nor do a dare venture a guess. To quote the writing on the inside of my Grandma’s memorial service program, “you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.”

Moving to California didn’t turn out how I ever  imagined it would, yet I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. This song has a fabulous way of reminding me of that.

New Track: Phosphorescent

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I’ve been listening to Songza’s “Coachella” and “Blogged 50” playlists pretty  much non stop all week. Naturally, my iPhone is now chuck-full of new music again. (FUN FACT: The phrase “chuck-full” comes from “a person or thing stuffed to the point of choking was ‘choke-full.’ In modern speech this expression has become ‘chock-full,’ or in less formal American English, ‘chuck-full.'”)

A couple of songs by Phosphorescent kept coming up on the “Blogged 50” and I especially enjoyed them and I really liked the album cover. So, I bought the whole album, “Muchacho.”

“Ride On/Right On” has been one of my favorites thus far:

Whilst working away in my Virgin America headphones at work I can thankfully hear no one else in the office. Every time this track comes on I get that much more lost in the music and instantly start tapping my feet along. I love the beat.

I also really like the 60’s-ish, electric guitar in the background.  It makes for a totally…groovy…sound. 🙂

This song is one of the coolest and most unique I’ve heard in awhile.  It makes me want to walk right out of my office and throw down at the nearest outdoor party.

Maybe tomorrow.

Written by mleiter

April 19, 2013 at 3:20 am

New Track: Jim James

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One of my long-time favorite bands is My Morning Jacket.  I frequently come back to their old albums and fall in love with their unique sound all over again.  I learned of My Morning Jacket in one of those phases where my sister and I weren’t getting along all that well. She introduced me to them and it totally changed my perspective of her musical tastes.

They are one of those bands that sounds incredible recorded and puts on an equally amazing show usually with lead singer Jim James running around stage. In a cape.  He’s awesome.

I was super excited when I learned he was putting out some solo work.

This song really emphasizes Jim James’s voice, which I adore.  It’s also got this Paul Simon beat going on in the middle.  All in all it’s just a really simple, sweet, upbeat song that displays Jim James’s incredible talents as a musician.

It’s another beautiful day in California and this song only makes my morning that much better. Big smiles. 🙂

Written by mleiter

April 11, 2013 at 3:30 pm

New Track: Allah-Las

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Over the weekend some friends and I celebrated the holiday together, not that any of are particular serious about celebrating Easter.  It was more just a time to get together, eat some good food and laugh.  It was an amazing time.  We have all known each other for a while and it’s kind of like family now. As I get older I’ve realized the importance in having a few good friends vs. a lot of okay ones. I’m truly blessed to have such amazing friends here in SF.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, they’d all be rolling their eyes at this point. 😉 The point of this post is that one of my dear friends turned me on to some great new music this weekend.  Namely, the Allah-Las.

This California band has a sound that is so incredibly unique and unlike anything I’ve heard a modern band produce before.

Right?! Listen to it again. Right now. Just listen.

They’ve got a total California vibe with that classic old school, 60’s, rock ‘n’ roll sound. Reminds me of one of my all time favorites; yes, The Doors.

The whole album is pretty incredible so it was hard to pick just one song. I chose “Catamaran” because it represents some of the classically cool lyrics the Allah-Las have produced.

They’ve apparently been around for a while but haven’t gained much in popularity.  I see that changing. Soon.

I can seriously put on this album and it brings me a new perspective to life. I know that’s dramatic, but it’s true. For some reason the whole album just makes me relax and think about the bigger picture.  The music relaxes me and the lyrics speak to me.

Music is different for all of us, but even if the Allah-Las self titled album doesn’t change your perspective on life, I highly recommend you download it.

Written by mleiter

April 3, 2013 at 2:57 pm

New Track: Lord Huron

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My sister recently shared this new artist with me, Lord Huron. (Told you I’ve been listening to LOADS of new music lately.)

His entire album, “Lonesome Dreams,” is phenomenal, but the song “Time to Run” is especially great. Lord Huron’s sound is very unique and unlike a lot of music I’ve heard recently.  Very instrumental.

Awesome right?

It’s a truly beautiful and hopeful song that doesn’t allow me to sit still.  You can find me managing Palmer Facebook ads and grooving to this song for the better part of the week. Fact.

Check these lyrics:

“I’ve no regrets, I will not ask for your forgiveness
Lower your defense, run away with me and it’ll all make sense
I did it all for you, don’t spurn me after all I’ve gone through
No time to rest, I’m gonna find me a life”

How lovely and romantic?! This song is fabulous.

Written by mleiter

February 26, 2013 at 3:03 am

New music track: Franky Perez & The Forest Rangers

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One of the shows I follow is Sons of Anarchy.  I fell in love with this motorcycle gang, namely the character Jax Teller, years back when my brother and I caught up on season one over Christmas break.

While the acting isn’t above par per se, the action and the story line keep you on the edge of the seat.  Plus it calls to that rebellious side in me.  That outlaw, live above the law that we all admire.

The soundtrack is always rocking with an equal amount of rough and tough as well.  Including this remake of “Higher Ground:”

I love the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s version of the song as well, but this one really strikes my fancy.  I love that the guitar has been turned up and the beat slowed down.  It’s the perfect background song for the bad boy motorcycle cast.

For more rockin’ biker tracks, check out the new “Sons of Anarchy: Vol. 2″ soundtrack due out later this month and featured today on Rolling Stone.

Written by mleiter

November 12, 2012 at 9:49 pm