The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘new music monday

New Music Monday: Two Gallants

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Heard this song by Two Gallants a while back and just revisited it. Turns out these guys are from San Francisco!

Awesome relaxing folk jam, “Broken Eyes”:

The raspy voice and acoustic guitar combined with the harmonica and increasing beat in the background make for a simply slow and authentic folk tune. I love the way these guys have such a clean, traditional folk sound with their basic melodies and traditional instruments.

These days my music tastes are ever evolving and I tend to be tuning in more and more to newer, progressive music. Which has started making me really appreciate the traditional classics and new unique music that’s still created in the traditional style, a.k.a. playing traditional instruments. Now, when I hear a song that’s just been played and recorded and not tweaked, I really appreciate the pure, traditional musical talent that goes into creating it.

Listening to new tweaked and synthesized music, while appealing to me at times, has really made me appreciate the talent needed to create music traditionally.  That need to be able to express your emotion, your thoughts  your passions with your instrument and your lyrics.

Case and point: Two Gallants, “Broken Eyes.”

Written by mleiter

October 1, 2012 at 8:34 pm

New Music Monday: Caged Animals

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I have so many potential New Music Monday posts, it’s unreal! It has everything to do with the countless hours I recently spent driving across the country and Songza.

Songza has seriously changed my life as I musically know it.

This is a track I heard a while back that I really like. Caged Animals, a band which hasn’t gained too much attention yet, but without a doubt will very soon, is a very mellow indie band I’m really digging. They’ve been around for a few years and have released several albums, but their “This Summer I’ll Make it Up To You” is the first album I’ve heard of. I really like the song “I Will Take My Own Hand,” off the album:

Their sound is unique in that it’s comforting in a very California-like way. If that makes any sense.  Their sound has certain funky groove elements to it that I really get into. The notes are mellow and the lyrics romantic. It’s the perfect track for your headphones while walking around in the sunshine of the city and blocking out the sounds of traffic.

I find it has a very cool beat, something you would find on an 80s cop show or something. I love it.

Written by mleiter

September 24, 2012 at 9:14 pm

New Music Monday: Muse

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I came across the video for the new Muse single “Madness” the other day:

I can’t decide if I like the video or the song more.  Anyway, I’ve always loved the creepy, progressive edge Muse puts out in their music.  It’s like they’ve combined a bunch of different genres of music to make their own sound of electronic rock.

In “Madness,” I love the guitar towards the end of the song.  It plays nicely with that repetitive warped sound and the rhythm of the song.

(Fun fact, Stephanie Myer, the famous Twilight series writer, listened to a lot of Muse when writing the series. Yes, I read them!)


Written by mleiter

September 17, 2012 at 10:46 pm

New Music Monday: Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

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This past week was my last one at the Bistro.  It certainly was a good and memorable one with lots of pleasant and familiar customers saying goodbye and some good laughs with near and dear coworkers.

One of the unexpected highlights was a surprise appearance at the bar from Grace Potter and her boyfriend/band member! The two were in town for the Grace Potter & The Nocturnals performances at the State Theatre.

I saw Grace Potter at Bonaroo last summer and was totally taken away by how hard she rocks on stage.  Not only can she belt out tracks, she does so while running around on stage in 3-inch heels.  It’s insanely impressive.

This is the title track off her latest album, The Lion The Beast and The Beat:

It’s kind of a new sound for the band, but that only adds to my interest in them.  On each new album, they seem to constantly be evolving and reinventing their sound while keeping rock at their core.

Grace Potter rocks a unique bohemian look, can kill it on the piano while belting out lyrics or rock ‘n’ roll around stage and keep up with the rocking drive from the band.  She’s multi-talented and her, not surprising, enthusiastic, fun-loving personality only adds to her charm.  She’s a total rock star in my book!

New Music Monday: Camera Obscura

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Camera Obscura is a band that comes up on indie playlists a lot on Songza. This morning, while listening to the 60’s surf rock playlist this track came up:

Like the band She & Him, Camera Obscura has that 50’s/60’s pop rock feel to them.  Apparently, given the Songza playlist, this is a new trending style of music. The melodies are pretty happy and upbeat.  The trend in modern indie music that imitates this vintage rock sound, seems to be that the lyrics that go over the music tend to be a little dark creating a beautiful contrast of music and lyrics.

This video and the lyrics seem to further demonstrated that by mocking the 60’s high-school romance.

I love the bands sound and especially lead singer, Tracyanne’s voice.

As much as I love this band and this song, you definitely have to be in the right mood to listen.  A sunny afternoon walk or drive seems to be the most appropriate if you ask me!

Written by mleiter

June 18, 2012 at 4:05 pm

New Music Monday: M. Ward

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The first time I heard M. Ward I was instantly drawn to his unique sound.  I went through a phase where I frequently played his solo tunes as well as his music from  She and Him, in which he acts as the “him” of the duo.

M. Ward’s newest album, “A Wasteland Companion,” caught me totally off guard and has pleasantly brought him back in to my life.

“Sweetheart,” features the “she” of She and Him, Zooey Dechanel.  While she is probably more well known for her acting carrer and her films such as “500 Days of Summer,” “Elf” and my all time fav, “Almost Famous,” to name a few, her voice is incredible.  She has a simplicity and unique style that comes off in all that she does.  I love how untouched by Hollywood she seems to be.

Before I had to be in a certina kind of mood to listen to M. Ward.  Some of his older tunes are a lot slower and a little depressing at times.  “Sweetheart” is the perfect mix of his silky smooth voice and an up beat tempo.  The 50’s driving beat fits perfectly with the lyrics that depict an “old-fashion” at-the-hop kind of love.

The song is absolutely adorable and I can’t help but smile and tap my foot when it comes on!

Written by mleiter

May 21, 2012 at 10:10 pm