The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘sweet sour

New Music Monday: Band of Skulls

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Monday’s writing is off to a slow start as I had to write the Mallett Brothers post twice.  Plus, I needed time to have a mini breakdown cursing technology in between.  Anyway, this jam has got me back in the zone and feeling normal.

I was turned on to the Band of Skulls this summer when I attended the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Nashville, you may have heard of it.  Band of Skulls was the first band I heard play the first night we entered the music venue, check it.  Walking into a realm of overstimulating scenes, I instantly found myself guided through the festival to their heavy rock ‘n’ roll tunes.  A true rock ‘n’ roll girl at heart, I find heavy drums and guitar to be very comforting, a feeling that was much needed when entering the chaos that is Bonnaroo.

I rocked their first CD, Baby Darling Doll Face Honey, to and from work in the Passat all summer. These were pre-living in the West End days when Forrest Avenue was the bane of my existence. I find the track that inspired the title of the album, “Fires”, to be one of the most romantic and inspirational songs in a go-master-the-summer kind of way.

Anyway, I was stoked to see their new single, “Sweet Sour,” as one of the “free on i-Tunes” songs last week.  Every time it has come up on my i-Pod it throws me off guard and blows me away bringing me back to the roots of rock that I love so much.

Written by mleiter

February 27, 2012 at 7:36 pm