The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘the Allah-Las

New Track: Allah-Las

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Over the weekend some friends and I celebrated the holiday together, not that any of are particular serious about celebrating Easter.  It was more just a time to get together, eat some good food and laugh.  It was an amazing time.  We have all known each other for a while and it’s kind of like family now. As I get older I’ve realized the importance in having a few good friends vs. a lot of okay ones. I’m truly blessed to have such amazing friends here in SF.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, they’d all be rolling their eyes at this point. 😉 The point of this post is that one of my dear friends turned me on to some great new music this weekend.  Namely, the Allah-Las.

This California band has a sound that is so incredibly unique and unlike anything I’ve heard a modern band produce before.

Right?! Listen to it again. Right now. Just listen.

They’ve got a total California vibe with that classic old school, 60’s, rock ‘n’ roll sound. Reminds me of one of my all time favorites; yes, The Doors.

The whole album is pretty incredible so it was hard to pick just one song. I chose “Catamaran” because it represents some of the classically cool lyrics the Allah-Las have produced.

They’ve apparently been around for a while but haven’t gained much in popularity.  I see that changing. Soon.

I can seriously put on this album and it brings me a new perspective to life. I know that’s dramatic, but it’s true. For some reason the whole album just makes me relax and think about the bigger picture.  The music relaxes me and the lyrics speak to me.

Music is different for all of us, but even if the Allah-Las self titled album doesn’t change your perspective on life, I highly recommend you download it.

Written by mleiter

April 3, 2013 at 2:57 pm