The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘visiting friends

San Fran

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I got back from my California vacation on Friday and it already feels like a lifetime ago!  I worked Friday night and then two back-to-back doubles Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday was pretty rugged, but I made it through!  I’m lucky to have some great co-workers and some good regulars!

Anyway, San Francisco was amazing!  I loved everything about it.  From the moment I got there and was reunited with an old friend over some amazing Korean food to waking up the next morning to go blog at Caffe Trieste, the beat generations’ old hang out, to catching up with more old friends and exploring the city, every moment was relaxing in that while everything was new, it still felt a little bit like home.

It’s definitely bigger then I imagined from what people saying.  But maybe that’s also because it was all so new and a lot to take in in such a short period of time.  It definitely has an east coast feel in terms of friendliness and coziness and yet still has that personified laid-back west coast vibe.  The part I love most about the city is how everyone is interested in your story.  Sometimes people are fake-friendly and you can definitely tell.  That might get annoying after awhile.  But for the most part people seem genuinely interested! People want to hear your story and what you’re doing- judgements aside.  And the more creative your journey, the cooler you are.

Everyone seems to be observing their surroundings and paying attention to detail.  This active way of living is refreshing.  While everyone is so laid back I think it’s largely due to how they are feeling things out.  Taking in the sights, the moments of life and then adjusting it to their personality and making their next move.  People seem more in tune with themselves.  More confident in what they’re doing.  Whether it’s the daytime bartender at the Irish pub Mary and I caught up over drinks at or the sales rep at Betsey Johnson downtown who is absolutely thrilled to be showing Gwen and I obnoxiously large charm covered necklaces and bracelets (#obssesedwithbestseyjohnson)!

People there seemed to stop caring about the end result.  They aren’t just going through the motions.  They are enjoying the ride. Something I’m big on finding, so clearly, I’m in love with the city.  People have always suggested I visit San Fran as they thought I would love it.  Well I most certainly did and I can’t wait to get back.

Some highlights…