The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘Wishing Well

Oh, Hello!

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My sister recently recommended this folk band called, The Oh Hello’s. Their album “Through the Deep, Dark Valley,” was released last October.

The folk tunes created by this sibling duo from Texas were made with help from a variety of musicians.  The sound they create is inspirational, beautiful and real.  I like the stories they tell and the music that accompanies them.  One of my favorites for those very reasons is, “Wishing Well.”

This is one of those humbling, life-isn’t-always-easy songs that instantly makes your heart ache bringing the world to a halt. One of those songs that forces you to stop and reflect on where you stand and what has passed. While that may seem sad and depressing, I actually find that during moments like that, I’m also forced to pick my head up and see the other side, see the growth, see the tremendous amount of beauty and good that tends to accompany the dark moments of life. It’s enlightening.

The last time I was forced to feel that deeply from music was when I heard the Lumineers last summer. I can’t but help be reminded of their sound when I hear the track, “Eat You Alive.” No?

Written by mleiter

July 17, 2013 at 8:03 pm