The Leiter side of life…

Updates from a 20-something lover of the little things.

Posts Tagged ‘snow day

too much SNOW day

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Ugh, Maine winters.

I woke up to a whirlwind of white and about six inches of accumulation this morning.  The snow is falling and there are no signs of stopping. This morning, a feeling of dread instantly set in while I sipped my coffee envisioning a dead, boring night at work. Clearly struggling to find motivation this morning, I luckily woke up to my two lovely roommates, both blessed with snow days. I was instantly super envious and wanted to be spending the afternoon at Ruski’s, the local dive bar, with them.  However, Alex thought it would be best to have a snow day work group first.  So, we headed down to one of our favorite local coffee shops, Yordprom. EXACTLY what I needed to 180 my mood.

Alex- Fixtures Showroom manager, chai green tea lover.

Jackie- full time nursing student, oldest friend.

Yordprom Coffee is owned by Tommy and Todd and their big friendly Golden Retriever, Nathaniel, who never fails to lay down at your feet shamelessly looking for some attention. It is a friendly Vietnamese-inspired coffee shop that offers big conference tables, comfy couches, a dog-friendly and local West End atmosphere and endless delicious lattes and coffees that provide the perfect amount of sweetness and caffeine, much needed for a snowy morning of writing. Chai latte and a blueberry scone all the way for this girl, screw the calories, it’s needed.

After picking up my new glasses and ordering my treats, I opened my email to find a whole slew of good news.  What’s more is that it felt so good to be able to share said news with two of my closest friends.

I finally received some responses to my surfing pitch (thanks to my continued efforts on Tuesday)! AND got some other writing-related meetings set up.  The glasses couldn’t have come at a better time.  I’m feeling very much so like a writer.

I also received a sweet note from my host mum in South Africa.  Her words, like her presence, have this intense calming affect that I have seen replicated in no other person.  After catching me up on the happenings of her life in Cape Town, she concluded her e-mail, “Africa will always be with you wherever you go.”  Now, despite the freezing mess of snow, I am imagining the warm sands of Cape Town and picturing watching the sun set while sipping mojitos in a summer dress, instead of sporting thick wool socks, Soreal boots and my dad’s old itchy sweater while huddling over a latte for warmth.

While I may not be getting as much work as I should be done, I’m enjoying the distraction of Jackie rereading old Facebook posts from 2005 we exchanged and Alex showing me the newest trends in bathroom cabinets. The feeling of youth and a dumb optimism of possibilities shared between friends over lattes is an unmatchable feeling, one that surely trumps the winter blues.

Yordprom is embracing the snow day with these festive plates. Honestly, how can you not LOVE this place?

Written by mleiter

March 1, 2012 at 5:08 pm